Category Archives: The Grumpy Vegan Life
Home-made Vegan Apple Pie
Vanquished by the Vindaloo
Last night the Grumpy Vegan and friends and neighbours went to the Hastings Arms on George Street in Old Town Hastings for their Ruby Tuesday’s weekly curry night. Always a good deal at a good price. Always I chose a … Continue reading
Going to the Movies
The Grumpy Vegan went to the local cine-multi-epic-plex for the second time since moving to Bonkers by the Sea nearly four years ago. Twas not a pretty experience. Let’s here it for the man in the seat behind mine who … Continue reading
Hastings Vegan Dining Club Wassailing
The Hastings Vegan Dining Club went wassailing recently. Wassailing means “be in good health.” At this time of year, people everywhere go out to their fruit trees at dusk and stand around them to make noise to ward off evil … Continue reading
Apple, Banana and Walnut Vegan Muffins
Once again turning to Rose Elliot’s The Complete Vegetarian Cuisine I baked these delicious vegan muffins using her Whole-Wheat Banana Tea Bread recipe (p. 330). I adapted the recipe by grating one cooking apple and adding it to the mix. … Continue reading