Last night the Grumpy Vegan and friends and neighbours went to the Hastings Arms on George Street in Old Town Hastings for their Ruby Tuesday’s weekly curry night. Always a good deal at a good price. Always I chose a Madras vegetable curry but last night I ordered the Vindalooo vegetable curry instead.
What a different a name makes!
The Vindaloo was delicious but so spicy that it was impossible for me to eat. I ate as much as I could but the Vindaloo won. I knew I had to stop when my lips began to burn peppery and spicy hot. Frequent mopping of the brow helped as well as sips of a cold beer. But images began to spring to mind of plunging into the cold sea, filling my mouth with lemon sorbet and stripping my clothes off to run naked down George Street with my mouth wide open, if I thought it would help.
Sensibility prevailed, however.
I gave in to the Vindaloo. It won. The Grumpy Vegan lost. Next time, I’ll have the Madras vegetable curry, thank you very much.