Category Archives: The Grumpy Vegan Life
Website of the Week
One of the joys of living in Hastings is that it is home to Sambalanco who describe themselves as community band playing Afro-Brazilian carnival rhythms. They are a frequent sight and sound around town, particularly during the three main street festivals … Continue reading
Website of the Week
Of all the many gay-themed Web sites out there, this one, Woolf and Wilde, is one of the Grumpy Vegan’s all-time favourites. Obviously named in honour of two literary icons, Woolf and Wilde bring together photographs depicting intimacy between men … Continue reading
20,000+ Bikers in Hastings
Brighton Pilgrimage
Two years ago the Grumpy Vegan ventured along the south coast to Brighton to shop at Vegetarian Shoes and eat lunch at Infinity Foods Cafe. Recently, the pilgrimage was made again. Not known for sartorial elegance, the Grumpy Vegan relies … Continue reading
Jack in the Green
Scenes from Jack in the Green in Old Town Hastings, which took place on Monday May 2. May Day!