This is the first update in 2009 of my archive. There are now more than 1,940 books catalogued on the Library Thing Web site. The vast majority of these books are animal related. The remaining books to be catalogued are fiction, including some that include animals as principal characters. More than 100 tags are now making it possible to search the library by category (e.g. Animals and literature, Henry Salt, Wildlife, politics). Comments on the tags given to the books are welcome. Given that cataloguing is almost complete, I will start a series on Grumpy Vegan to feature an aspect of the collection, for example, an author or a topic. Also, I wish to initiate a section in the archive to identify those books I’d like to acquire for the collection. This way anyone who has a copy and wishes to kindly donate it can do so! My eventual ambition is to find a university with an academic program in animal rights to acquire the archive so that it can be used as part of the research. Please contact if this is of interest to you. Finally, I am open to receiving donations of materials to the archive. Generally, this material should be older rather than younger, and unique rather than general. Again, please contact me with any questions or comments.