Henry VIII and one of his wives are in the foreground. This photo was taken at the southern end of the High Street looking north. The view is obscured by smoke from flares and torches.Last night was Hastings Bonfire Night organized by Hastings Borough Bonfire Society. It is a spectacular event attracting thousands of people to the town and is part of a long-standing tradition in Sussex for bonfires.
Kim Stallwood is an independent scholar and author on animal rights. His forthcoming book, Animal Dharma, explores what it means to care deeply about animals. Starting in 1976, he has held leadership positions with some of the world’s foremost organisations in the UK and US, including CIWF, BUAV, PETA, The Animals’ Agenda, Animals and Society Institute and Minding Animals International. A vegetarian since 1974 when as a student he worked in a chicken slaughterhouse. A vegan since 1976. His evil twin is the Grumpy Vegan.
New Book!
Kim Stallwood's forthcoming book explores what it means to care deeply about animals and discovers how we can live peacefully with ourselves and others by proposing four key values: truth, compassion, nonviolence and interbeing.