A new poll published by Ipsos Mori and commissioned by the International Fund for Animal Welfare and League Against Cruel Sports shows public opinion in support of the Labour government’s legislation banning fox, deer and hare hunting and coursing.
Generally, 75 per cent support the ban on fox hunting remaining whereas 21 per cent want it repealed. 84 per cent think the ban on deer hunting should stay in place. 85 per cent say hare coursing and hunting should remain illegal.
In rural communities, 72 per cent want to see fox hunting remain illegal. 82 per cent think deer hunting should continue to be banned. 86 per cent support the ban on hare hunting and coursing.
Among potential Conservative supporters, 62 per cent say that fox hunting should NOT be made legal again, with one in three 33 per cent saying it should.
83 per cent of Labour supporters are against fox hunting being legalised, compared to 13 per cent in favour.
77 per cent of Liberal Democrat voters are against repeal, versus 19 per cent in favour.