When the Grumpy Vegan Won’t Recognize Racism and Sexism

It’s good to see vegan prisoners in the UK are now permitted to buy non-animal products from two recognized sources. The Grumpy Vegan wonders whether they will have more choice than the rest of us who live on the outside. Yes, there are more vegan products and services than there were when I went vegan more than 30 years ago. But don’t you think we should have made more progress by now? Yes, it’s easier than ever being vegan. There’s really no excuse not to be. This is why I get so irritated with folks who should know better. Next time I’m with someone who orders meat in a restaurant or pours milk in their coffee I think I will lament the fact that women have made so much progress toward equality. Don’t you think we’ve gone too far in multi-culturalism? Did we have to give so much of the Empire back to the natives? Why can’t children work eight-hour days in factories? What’s so wrong with conscription for the poor? Not sure if the Grumpy Vegan’s subtlety will work. But I sure get mad when people did stupid things exploiting animals in my presence when they know my life is dedicated toward their liberation. I’m mad as hell when they won’t recognize speciesism. So, I won’t recognize their precious sexism and racism.

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