Nut roasts never photograph well and this is no exception. Nonetheless, it was delicious! Photo credit: Karan MantriThe Hastings Veggie Dining Club recently made a return visit to the excellent Land of Green Ginger for what could be almost described as a Christmas in July three-course dinner except that it was non non-denominational and in August but was three-courses. We started with a delicious chilled tomato soup garnished with olive oil and roasted seeds. The entree was a traditional nut roast with Chef Andrew Thornton’s unique flavourful twist. This was followed up by pears poached in red wine. “Yummy!” declared the 15-strong Hastings Veggie Dining Club members.
Kim Stallwood is an independent scholar and author on animal rights. His forthcoming book, Animal Dharma, explores what it means to care deeply about animals. Starting in 1976, he has held leadership positions with some of the world’s foremost organisations in the UK and US, including CIWF, BUAV, PETA, The Animals’ Agenda, Animals and Society Institute and Minding Animals International. A vegetarian since 1974 when as a student he worked in a chicken slaughterhouse. A vegan since 1976. His evil twin is the Grumpy Vegan.
New Book!
Kim Stallwood's forthcoming book explores what it means to care deeply about animals and discovers how we can live peacefully with ourselves and others by proposing four key values: truth, compassion, nonviolence and interbeing.