Moving on …….

Emmy working hard at practicing his Meow with an English accent.
Twenty years ago this month the Grumpy Vegan, with human and canine companions (one of each), came to the United States. In July, we — the two humans — return to England to live taking with us our remaining animal companion, Emmy. Sadly, during these years our English dog, a rescued white Labrador called Caesar, died as have many other rescued dogs and cats. This includes the little dogs — Boobaa, Annabelle (“Piggy”), Bambino (“Beano”), Honey and Queenie — as well as representatives from the Feline Empire, including Marky, Veda, Henry, Tiddles and Effy. Emmy was pulled from the basement of the then derelict house next to ours. For 16 of these two decades, we lived in while renovating our three-story Baltimore rowhouse, which is now on the market.

The reason why we came? Because Kim W. Stallwood (the Grumpy Vegan) was engaged as PETA’s first executive director. I arrived in 1987 when PETA was a national group with a great track record in pioneering undercover investigations (e.g., Silver Spring Monkeys, Britches) and left it in 1992 as an innovatory organization with an acclaimed international reputation.

Such significant life changes as we’re now embarking upon inevitably stirs up many emotions and issues. Where will we live? Answer: Hastings, East Sussex, an old-fashioned and unpretentious seaside town with a lively eccentric and arty personae overlooked by a ruined castle. What will we do? Animal rights work, of course, for the Grumpy Vegan. The human companion will most likely continue with his garden design and management career, possibly in the area of gardening as a therapy for those who aren’t as fortunate as us. And, Emmy? He’s learning how to Meow with an English accent.

But why return to England after all this time? Quite simply, its home. We’re happier there. Despite the plumbing. And the bad service. And the weather, which, thanks to global warming, has much improved. We’ll miss the U.S. and the many people who we fortunately got to know. But it’s not home. And that is why.

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