Questionnaire on Animal Research
The new Understanding Animal Research, recently formed from the merger of two UK organisations, Research Defence Society and Coalition for Medical Progress, has a new quiz.
The new Understanding Animal Research, recently formed from the merger of two UK organisations, Research Defence Society and Coalition for Medical Progress, has a new quiz.
Check out my post, Objective Scientific Research or Subjective Scientific Propaganda?, at the Diary of the Animals and Society Institute. The study assessed 21 books, including Henry Salt’s Animal Rights, Ruth Harrison’s Animal Machines, Peter Singer’s Animal Liberation and Mary … Continue reading
The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) and the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE), the animal protection organizations who administer the Leaping Bunny Program in the United States (U.S.), Canada, and Europe, join together to celebrate the … Continue reading
Simon Chaitowitz is a “writer, nature lover, peacenik, and animal protection advocate who is dealing with her third bout of cancer. This time it’s leukemia.” Here’s her blog.
As HSUS’s undercover expose at the New Iberia Research Center (NIRC) near Lafayette, La., one of America’s largest primate laboratories, gets attention on national television, including ABC’s News’ “Nightline”, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute reports Researchers have taken a major … Continue reading
To avoid ethical problems, this genome would be inserted not into a human cell but into a chimpanzee cell. The chimp cell would be reprogrammed to embryonic state and used to generate, in a chimpanzee’s womb, a mutant chimp embryo … Continue reading