Thought for the Day

The Grumpy Vegan is so tired of farmers who just want to kill anything that allegedly gets in the way of their profits. And bravo to the National Trust!

The National Trust welcomes the EFRA Select Committee’s conclusions that a multi-faceted approach should be adopted to tackle cattle TB. We support the strategic approach proposed to include:

• more frequent cattle testing, with more frequent and targeted combined use of the tuberculin skin test and the gamma interferon test;
• the evaluation of post movement cattle testing;
• greater communication with farmers on the benefits of biosecurity measures;
• the deployment of badger and cattle vaccines when they become available in the future; and
• continued work on the epidemiology of the disease.
• With regard to any proposal to cull badgers as a means of controlling cattle TB, we are not against the culling of badgers per se, but based on the scientific evidence available from the Independent Scientific Group (ISG) we do not believe it is likely to be effective.

From the ISG’s conclusions we are concerned that any significant decline in cattle TB could only be achieved through such large scale and draconian measures to reduce badger numbers as to make the option impractical, unaffordable and publicly unacceptable. Any cull which is less comprehensive than necessary carries a risk of increasing the disease problem.

National Trust Statement on badgers and culling. See also earlier Grumpy Vegan.

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