The Grumpy Vegan thinks we’re experiencing a series of important victories that’s signaling a renewal of interest in what the animal rights movement has to say. Indeed, it’s almost as if society is saying, “Alright, we give in. You were correct all along. Let’s start to do something about it.”
Just this morning there’s the excellent news that Burger King will start to buy eggs and pork from suppliers who don’t imprison animals in cages and crates.
Hey! It may not be veganism at the Big Whopper but it is movement in the right direction. (The Grumpy Vegan will continue to patronize fast food outlets only as public toilets.)
This present fever hasn’t been seen since the heady days of the late 1980s and early 1990s when the mainstream media thought it had discovered animal rights. Sadly, it then went on to push us from pedestal by focusing on the movement’s fringe minority of misanthropes.