The Animals’ War

Juliet Gardiner's book is a good exploration of the issue but is mysteriously mute on such key areas of animal use as atomic, nuclear and chemical and biological warfare research and development with animals.
The Grumpy Vegan is not sure that he’ll be able to visit The Animals’ War exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in London before it closes on April 22, 2007. But I did make sure to get a copy of the accompanying book of the same name by Juliet Gardiner. It is a “coffee table” sized-book and from a quick thumb through appears to be informative and well illustrated. Notwithstanding its subtitle, “Animals in wartime from the First World War to the Present Day,” it avoids all mention of animals used in the development of atomic and nuclear weapons. Further, the British Government’s chemical and biological warfare research laboratory, Porton Down, is similarly not included in the index. I haven’t read the book from cover to cover and I may be missing something but the Grumpy Vegan finds all to be curious.

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