The Grumpy Vegan is five-years-old today.
On this day in 2006 the first post was made onto the Grumpy Vegan. It was called, “Rambling and Recipes,” which isn’t the most the exciting title in the world and sounds more like the last post than the first.
The total number of posts made to date is 1,422, which is an average of about five posts a week. A number of structural changes have been made meanwhile, including with the hosting, design and software used; however, the standards of grumpiness have been consistently held.
The Grumpy Vegan fervently believes life is not a competition for the greatest number of friends. It’s all about speaking honestly and acting ethically to the best of our abilities. And somewhere out of this some…there’s come respect, grudging although it maybe.
So, the Grumpy Vegan looks forward to another five years of Glimpses into the Private Life thereof, random visits to Fernbank Allotments, gull chronicling, bad dining experiences, and, of course, the frequent moan. Grumbling through life is about the way to manage all the doo-doo that comes your way. And there’s plenty of it!
And for this special occasion? How’s about this photo from the Grumpy Vegan’s past?