Every now and then something across the desk of the Grumpy Vegan which makes him so mad that he can’t stand it. Here’s the latest one. Burying alive pigs because they may be sick. Go figure. If isn’t stupid enough for many reasons to raise animals for food, then, how ridiculous can it be to start killing because they may be infected with foot and mouth — a disease which isn’t even harmful to people when they chose to eat charred bottoms of dead pigs.
As if a policy of using animals to produce food isn’t Kafka-esque enough. Dumping one million live animals into pits to bury them alive surely must rank as the cruelest and stupidest public policy on earth.
The much more sensible organisation Compassion In World Farming steams away in its own very polite anger by saying,
The Republic of Korea is a member of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and live burial of animals is in clear breach of OIE Guidelines on the Killing of Animals for Disease Control Purposes.
Go to Compassion’s Web site now to register your protest with the Korean Ambassador in London. Americans please go to Mercy for Animals to protest. Also, for on the ground updates, go to Animal Rights Korea, which has a section on its home page dedicated to this atrocity and further information on other pages. They report
Latest reports put it at 1,410,000 animals killed, perhaps 90% of them or more buried alive, since November 29, 2010. This includes pigs and cattle.Latest reports put it at 1,410,000 animals killed, perhaps 90% of them or more buried alive, since November 29, 2010. This includes pigs and cattle.
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