Regularly readers will be familiar with the family of gulls breeding and raising their young near to the Grumpy Vegan’s seat. First, the sad news. A neighbour reported seeing late one night a fox run off with a baby gull. Given the sighting and the date observed it’s probable that one of the family of four we’ve been watching fell off the roof late one evening. Nonetheless, three baby gulls remain. And, as the photograph testifies, they’re growing and encouraging each other to fulfil their destiny. There are at least two more families of gulls in close proximity. In the coming days we will see increasing numbers of baby gulls taking their first flights as they take short hops from roof to roof. The gulls are enormous fun to watch but they are very noisy and like to indiscriminately decorate the Old Town. Also spotted in the Old Town recently was another neighbour’s badger, well, one of them. The Grumpy Vegan named him Edward (or Edwina if we ever discover the gender) regardless of which ever one we see. Once, we saw three together. During the recent spectacular weather we spent one glorious evening in the pub garden. We watched above us swifts swooping and diving for insects to eat. On a nearby roofs yet more baby gulls with hopeful parents attentively watching us to see if we had any food. Sadly for them we were having a liquid dinner.
Gulls Update
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