Guardian Does It Again: Vegetarian Foot in Meat-Eating Mouth

In an otherwise straightforward news report, Vegetarians less likely to develop cancer than meat eaters, says study, in which it states

Fresh evidence from the largest study to date to investigate dietary habits and cancer has concluded that vegetarians are 45% less likely to develop cancer of the blood than meat eaters and are 12% less likely to develop cancer overall.


The study also reported that the total cancer incidence was significantly lower among both the fish eaters and the vegetarians compared with meat eaters.

But can’t help itself by adding a sidebar, The veggie view: ‘Just one piece of chorizo’, by Charlotte Higgins.

And I have changed too. The early dogmatism has vanished. I eat fish, sometimes (which began with trips to France, when greed battled successfully against virtue).

Only last week, as a last-minute, self-invited supper guest, I found myself eating a hearty plate of meaty Thai curry, and enjoying it. My friends laugh at my occasional weakness for “just one” piece of chorizo.

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