But I’m afraid there is a problem, and that is the inherently tedious nature of evangelical vegetarianism. I say this not because it ruins my lunch of foie gras, but because I am a vegetarian. Huh. Kinda feel like I just outed myself, there.
A life without bacon is the life I have lived. I don’t think we need to get into any more precise details of what I do and don’t eat, because unlike certain other journalists I do not believe that boasting about kerrrrazy eating habits will make me sound interesting or admirable. I think it will just make me sound like I think a little too much about food and, most of all, myself.
The worst thing about not eating meat isn’t the limp salads – it’s the other vegetarians
The Grumpy Vegan wonders when reportage becomes persecution or, cleverly referring to the scandal du jour, trial by The Guardian?