Animals and Presidential Politics

My Animals and Society Institute colleague, Bee Friedlander, writes on the ASI Diary about animals and presidential politics.

The election and impending inauguration of a new president who ran on a platform of change, coupled with the explosion of interactive communication and social networking opportunities, has resulted in unprecedented interest by various social justice movement advocates in the process of advising the incoming president.

Read more here for the “big picture” view she gives.

Although I no longer live in the U.S. I’m still compelled to follow its politics. It’s difficult to believe that Bush is at last is actually going. I began to think it would never happen. But this leadership change isn’t as dramatic as Margaret Thatcher’s when her own party evicted her from the premiership and Downing Street. I wonder what the Iron Lady thinks about the collapse of unfettered capitalism now. No doubt she’ll see nothing wrong with what’s happening. She didn’t care about people then. And probably doesn’t now.

There’s a bottle of champagne on ice with her name on it!

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