The Grumpy Vegan has catalogued more than 1,500 books from the Stallwood Animal Rights Archive on LibraryThing. All animal-related books are catalogued. Cataloguing on non-animal related books (e.g., environment, politics, sociology, art, literature) is underway and, later, non-book animal-related material (e.g., journals, art, ephemera). Finally, the goal has been set to include representation of the cover for every title in the collection. This means that some books will be scanned and their jackets or title pages will be added in the fullness of time.
The next update will be made when he’s reached 1,600 catalogued books. Also, more than 90 tags are now making it possible to search the library by category (e.g. Animals and literature, Henry Salt, Wildlife, politics). Comments on the tags given to the books are welcome.