George Monbiot on Veganism

But I cannot advocate a [vegan] diet that I am incapable of following. I tried it for about 18 months, lost two stone, went as white as bone and felt that I was losing my mind. I know a few healthy-looking vegans, and I admire them immensely. But after almost every talk that I give, I am pestered by swarms of vegans demanding that I adopt their lifestyle. I cannot help noticing that in most cases their skin has turned a fascinating pearl grey.

This is Guardian columnist George Monbiot’s take on veganism in his otherwise ok op ed, “Credit crunch? The real crisis is global hunger. And if you care, eat less meat.”

George’s columns consistently demonstrate a thoughtful, fiercely independent approach to environmental and other issues the world confronts. Don’t always agree with him but that doesn’t matter. But what is it about veganism that makes thinking people so stupid?

Any diet, including a vegan diet, can produce skinny, pasty people. Skinny, pasty people describe at least half of Britain’s population. I bet a tiny number of them are vegan. Global warming and cheap flights means increasing numbers of Britons are not as pasty as they used to be. (Some are even getting their teeth fixed.)

If the Grumpy Vegan reads about one more person losing weight when they went vegan he will throw the mother of all tantrums. It never happened to him.

There’s nothing more nauseating than a skinny vegan. Except, of course, a skinny pasty vegan with bad teeth. People who have gone vegan and lose weight are like reformed smokers. The fine line separating proselytizing from boredom is permanently crossed. But, George, weren’t you happy to loose weight on a vegan diet? Aren’t one half of the world’s population too fat and the other too skinny? Doesn’t veganism begin to redress the balance?

George, it’s time for you to write the column, “Save the planet and lose weight by going vegan.”

Altruism always works better when it’s motivated by self-interest.

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