To all: It would be wonderful to declare a decisive VICTORY over the animal extremists one day, but that’s not likely to occur. We ARE successful, once again in pushing the extremists back, to where they belong, soundly in the minority. A copy cat ordinance targeting the elephant guide tool and chains came up quickly in Chicago last week. It went before a committee hearing Tuesday and could have been voted and gone before the full city council as early as today! In effect the circus would have been banned from Chicago! But the element of surprise did not benefit the extremists ! It was the extremists who were surprised. The council committee members had received Emails, letters, and phone calls supporting the circus and performing animals! Representatives from Feld Entertainment, and others, were joined by circus fans who testified as to the truth in regards to performing animals in general, and elephants in particular. Council members took note. They could not have responsibly voted to recommend the ordinance. The CFA Animal Welfare committee helped to organize speakers from the CFA. Bob Untereiner and Tim Gault both registered and spoke as circus fans and both had convincing testimony. Tom Albert, VP of Govm’t Relations for Feld Entertainment, and a representative of UniverSOUL Circus, were among those standing up for our rights to see performing animals. MaryLou Kelly, of Feld Entertainment commented on the efforts of circus fans in recent years “….you’re the BEST”! “This is not a Feld vs Chicago issue”, said Tim Gault of CFA, who pointed out what Chicago had to lose if the legislation was passed, including the Ringling and UniverSOUL circuses. While the official result is the formation of a sort of commission, (3 pro and 3 con representatives are to study the matter and report back) – historically, if we prevent a “railroading” of legislation, we know that as time passes, OUR facts and fresh information WIN over THEIR tired fiction. Please join me in thanking Bob and Tim for standing up for our rights as circus fans. They join the the growing number of us that will take action to STOP the insanity! I cannot name all of those fans who quickly sent Emails to the council members in support of our position….thank you one and all. Those of you who help routinely – be ready! Those who used to help – We’re winning and we need you back! Those who read about this and wonder? – What are you waiting for? Load poles to engine!
An email distributed by Gary C. Payne, Circus Fans Association of America Animal Welfare Chairman, in response to a proposed ordinance in Chicago City Council.