The Defense of Gay and Lesbian Vegans Against the Straight Meat-Eating Enterprise Act

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, which has passed both houses in the U.S. Congress but is not yet signed into law by President George Bush, provides special legal protections to such industries as biomedical research and rodeos against nonviolent animal activism. These businesses and their activities already enjoy protection under the law that prohibits violent or other illegal activities.

The Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, defines “marriage” to mean only a legal union between one man and one woman thereby denying gays and lesbians the same legal entitlements that most (read: straight) people enjoy.

The Defense of Gay and Lesbian Vegans Against the Straight Meat-Eating Enterprise Act is a stupid idea of the Grumpy Vegan for legislation to protect gay and lesbian vegans from living in a world where they are exposed to straight meat-eaters 24-hours a day.

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